Awhile back I posted here about my "8-8-08" plans to start eating better (a.k.a eating less) and exercising. Things went very well for the first week - I was on the treadmill every day, making healthy eating choices, etc. But, alas, after one week passed, I was already back to my old habits. I couldn't bring myself to get on the treadmill (it's so boring and, really, I just hate to sweat. I can't help it, it's true) I was pretty disappointed in myself, but not surprised, because that's how I usually wind up when I start something like that. Fast forward to a few days ago, when I was reading one of my newfound favorite bloggers, Jen at Daily Mish Mash. Her Aug. 24 post was titled 'Looking Fine by 2009'. First of all, I love Jen's blog. She is hilarious and fun! Not to mention, she is a huge Ryan Gosling fan, so you know she's good people. But, this particular post really struck home with me. I know that I need to lose weight/exercise/eat healthy, etc. But, I just can't seem to stay motivated to actually do it. I also know that it's unrealistic to say I want to lose umpteenbagillion pounds and wear a size 0. Ain't gonna happen! In Jen's post, she talked about getting healthy and looking "better". Not to aim for perfection, but progress. That sounds do-able. And, she proposed a challenge so that we can support and motivate each other as we work towards this progress. I'm determined to give it yet another go. I'm not on a diet, I'm just going to try to make more consistent healthy eating choices. I'm not saying I have to work out everyday like a madwoman (because I certainly would never do that), but, I will strive to get on my treadmill three or four days a week. My 39th birthday is tomorrow, so this will be a good time to get started. So wish me luck again. And, be sure to check out Jen's blog, I know she will make you smile.
P.S. I'm using this handy-dandy, free website called www.myfitnesspal.com to help me keep track of my progress. It lets you record your daily food intake and chart your daily exercise. I tend to do a little better when I make myself write down everything that I actually eat, it guilts me into being a little more accountable.
I'm totally with you on the sweating thing. I've been sitting here in exercise clothes pretty much all day and just can't seem to make myself actually do any sort of fitness related activity. Ugh!
Thanks so much for joining me in this challenge. I really do need the support and I hope that we can all help each other. I'm not exactly sure how just yet, but hopefully just having some accountability will make a difference.
Good luck and don't forget to check back on Monday to let us know your progress.
I'm with you on the treadmill and sweating thing. I much prefer an elliptical trainer but we don't own one (the ones I want are way too expensive for me) so that means a trip to the gym which is an entirely different issue. Do you live in Louisville? When I lived there, I was a member of the Baptist wellness center (don't remember the exact name) and I absolutely loved it. The water aerobics classes -- all their classes really -- were wonderful and I liked having a tv to help me pass the time while doing cardio.
About year and a half ago I went on Weight Watchers. A buddy at work did it with me and I lost 53lbs. Soon my buddy left work and I gained all my weight (plus some) back. It really does help having someone to do it with. I'm extremely competitive and just HAD to lose more weight than Katie each week. Once she left, so did my desire..dang.
Well, I got 6 jars of preserves done this morning. I got up at 6:30 and started. My house smelled heavenly. I also made my own beef jerky. I have no idea why I did that, because it's not like I love it or anything. I guess I did it just to see if I could. And I guess I can.
Anyway, good luck and don't sweat too much. I hate to sweat too...ugh.
Just followed the link from Jen's to here.
I shall have to check out that website because not eating well is my biggest downfall and I know if I had to write it all down I'd be ultra ashamed.
I fear shame may be the motivation I need.
Happy belated birthday! I hope you had lots of fun. :)
Don't worry, you will be fine with you eating and losing weight. Take one step at a time and I am sure you will make it! I will keep fingers crossed. Good luck! :)
Good luck. I highly recommend (don't laugh) reading Suzanne Somer's "Eat Great to Lose Weight" written long ago. You can probably even find a cheap copy in a used book store.... or I'd be happy to lend you mine. The key to eating to losing weight and keeping it off is food combining. Not eating simple carbs like bread with protein like turkey. When you have time, do a google search on the effect of caffiene> insulin > bloog sugar> fat storage. It's amazing. Working out is a must, of course, but Weight Watchers and other programs do not teach the proper way to combine food for the best and most healthy results. I got my two office assistants hooked on it and they have lost over 10 pounds in three weeks. Good stuff! Check it out. Anyone that I've told about it and bought the book is hooked.
Good luck with this Kari! It seems like a lot of us are working towards a better self this year. I'm up to 36.2 pounds lost since the middle of May. I can't tell you how much better I feel - I'm almost a new person and my kids and husband say I'm just plain happier. I've got about 30 more pounds to go - but I'm determined to get there. Life's too short to spend it dumpy and depressed - and boy was I dumpy AND depressed. As for exercise? The most I'm willing to do right now is take a walk in the evenings. Randey and I walk for about 15 to 30 minutes just about every night after dinner. Anymore exercise than that and I might start to feel too butch. LOLOL Just kidding!!! I'm lazy, plain and simple. I'd love to be fit and in shape, but I have to take it one step at a time. (Geez. I'm not super woman, you know. lol)
Anyway - good luck with your goals. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
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