This is my first time participating in this fun Tuesday carnival that goes on each week over at 'Live and Love...Out Loud'. Here's the scoop:
Is your husband driving you nuts? Does your boss get under your skin? Welcome to “OH NO HE DIDN’T!” Tuesday, your come-and-tell-us-all-about-it headquarters! Let’s get this party started…
If you want to join in, simply write your own "OH NO HE DIDN'T!" post on your blog and then visit Live and Love...Out Loud to link up.
This actually happened a couple of years ago, but it still makes me say "OH NO HE DIDN'T!" every time I think about it. One morning I was going about my business and straightening up the kitchen. It was garbage day and I happened to hear the garbage truck outside and glanced out the window. I noticed the garbage man standing there going through one of our trash cans. I immediately started flipping out thinking our identity was being stolen right at that very moment! He took a box out of the trash can and put it in his truck. I went outside to try and figure out what the heck he was taking from us...that's when he said to me, "I hope you don't mind that I took all these Disney movies - my little girl will love them. Thanks!" Then he drove away.........I was too dumbfounded to know what he meant. I asked my husband about it and yes, he did indeed throw away a box of our classic Disney VHS movies. He thought that because we were now in the DVD age we didn't have use for them. He didn't realize that some of those movies are now out of print! I was very upset, but made myself get over it as best I could. At least some little girl out there did get some enjoyment from them.
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