If you've stopped by lately, you have probably noticed that my blog design is currently under construction. I still have some kinks to work out and it's taking longer than expected. I'll be back to regular posting as soon as possible. In the meantime, here's a few random things that have been going on during my blogging hiatus:
* we have been having some extreme summer weather and I do not like it. Not one bit! It's been so hot and humid - the heat index made it feel like 114 on Monday. Yuck! I'm not a summer person at all and all I can say is "bring on the winter!"
* I have been suffering from major sinus and allergy problems over the last month. I hate to be a whiner, but, really, it's probably the worst I've ever felt in my life. I have had constant sinus headaches, watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion. OTC stuff helps, but knocks me out cold. I saw an ENT doc a couple years ago and was told that I could use surgery to correct my deviated septum (but I'm a scaredy cat about anything that requires me to be put to sleep). I'm finally giving in and going in for another doctor appointment next week to get re-evaluated and hear my options.
Enough complaining...now for some more positive stuff:
* of course, you know I'm a huge tv and movie lover. There's not too many tv shows that escape my attention (I'm usually pretty up on a lot of shows, what they're about, etc.) I had heard of the FX series, Sons of Anarchy, but had never watched it. Something (I don't remember what) led me to check it out on Netflix and Oh My Gosh!!! It's the best show I've ever watched. Ever. I just spent the last four days devouring every episode from seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 will be released next month - I can hardly wait. Now, it's not for the faint of heart or easily offended. There's violence and drugs and drinking and guns and sex and pornography and horrific language...but it's flippin' awesome tv! I think in an alternate universe I'm supposed to be hooked up with a hot, gun-running, outlaw biker guy. Just kidding. Sorta.
* I just finished reading the book Divergent by Veronica Roth. If you like young adult dystopian (which happens to be my favorite genre) you have to read this book. It was fantastic and I'm already anxiously awaiting the second book in the series (which doesn't come out till next year). I love it when I find a book that makes me fall in love with the main character(s) and this one did just that. I tore through the 487 pages in just two days.
* I'm really loving Pinterest. So much pretty eyecandy and inspiration to see there. Have you jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon yet?
* My kids go back to school in just one short month. It's time to start thinking school supplies and back-to-school clothes. It feels like summer just started.
I'll be back soon and feel free to give me any feedback on the new design. As I said, it's still a work in progress.

How exciting! I can't wait to see your new "digs"!
I love Pinterest too, although I haven't spent too much time there yet. I will be posting more stuff soon.
Sorry to hear about the sinus infection. Hope you're feeling better. I'm excited to see your new blog. I just heard about Pinterest from another blogger. I'm curious to try it out too. Happy rest of summer for you and your gang, Kari!
Hello Kari,
Your blog is starting to look fabulous with the new banner and side bar images. I like the new LOOK. I hope that you feel better very soon. I am going to check out that show on Netflix “Sons of Anarchy” it sounds like some thing that my hubby and I may like watching. I just joined Pinterest and I am loving it. I want to find you and follow your boards. What is your name on Pinterest? Mine is Paula Parrish. Crazy, I can’t believe that school will be starting in just a short 4 weeks. Feel better and take care.
Smiles, Paula
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