Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm a highly accomplished female business executive...sort of

Twice this week, I have received letters from fancy-schmancy sounding establishments, informing me (little old me!) that I was chosen to represent my town in a "Who's Who Registry Among Executive and Professional Women". In today's letter, the director himself, thinks I may be an interesting biographical subject. HA! I knew my work as a stay-at-home-mom was extremely important. But, wow! Now I really feel validated, LOL!

Obviously, I realize these letters are just sent out to random names on a mailing list. But, it is funny to me, since I have NEVER worked in the business field. However, I think I do possess some of the same abilities and skills that "real" business executives have. Such as:

1. I'm a multi-tasker - I can prepare a meal, while simultaneously assisting multiple children with multiple homework assignments, feeding the dog, folding laundry, and loading a dishwasher.

2. I know when to delegate - I have no problem asking one of my kids to take the dog for a walk, vacuum the carpet, or clean dog-poop out of the back yard.

3. I manage a hectic, multi-person schedule - Four kids who attend three different schools, piano lessons, guitar lessons, sewing class, field trips, sports, orthodontist appointments, plus a husband who works two jobs, one of which requires occasional out of town travel...not to mention my own personal calendar (you know, hair appointments, volunteer work, lunch with the girls, and the very important task of setting my DVR to record all my favorite tv shows)

4. Strong in the area of communication - I am a frequent participant of long phone conversations, not to mention blog-reading and writing, text-messaging, and emails.

5. I maintain a balanced budget - Household budget, pay bills, clip coupons, etc.

6. I'm a mediator - With four kids, things can get pretty heated at times. I'm proud to say I've resolved some tough contract negotiations around this work place.

7. I'm a team player - I try to do what's best for our "team" (family), even though that sometimes (often) means putting myself last.

So, I guess I really AM a highly accomplished female business executive, sort of. At least in our little neck of the woods, anyway.


1. Pina said...

I really had to laugh! Wonderful!

2. Martha said...

Oh yes you ARE a highly accomplished business executive :)


3. Lifeofkaylen said...

This is awesome--you should definitely fill that out!

We have a relative who got that letter and they took it VERY seriously--he has a certificate in a frame on the wall. :)

4. cat said...

What a great post! You certainly are.

5. La Belle Mere said...

I'm a childless woman with a full time "executive" job and I'm pretty sure I couldn't pull all that off!! Perhaps they should start featuring the SAHM's instead. Far more impressive!!

Congrats on your SITS FB day!

LBM xxx

6. Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

You have me convinced :) Love this post.

7. Kitty said...

They should put you on the cover!

8. Elizabeth D. said...

Sounds pretty convincing to me! I did used to work in business, and have been on several of those lists over the years - I think you should totally fill it out! Sounds a whole lot like some of my former job descriptions!

9. Crystalin Dunn said...

I'd say you're an executive in the best business there is! Will they give you a pay raise if you're featured??? hehe One can dream, right?

10. said...

Yep, I'd say you're qualified!

Congrats on your SITS day!

11. kiwimeg said...

I can not understand why the 'work' we do as Mums is not valued more highly in the business world. Its a lot more important/necessary/worthwhile than many of the 'executive' jobs out there - with a lot more responsibility and more far reaching consequences . . .

12. Unknown said...

I've always told my husband that I will always be on rank higher than him because of all the things I do as mom! LOL!

Happy SITS Day!

13. GreedyGirl said...

Hi stopping by from SITS

LOL at receiving the letter not once but twice.

14. Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Yep...I think you're qualified! LOL!!!!

15. Robin said...

You go girl!

16. Alison Russell said...

I think almost all moms fall into that category! Isn't there a statistic or study out there somewhere that says that women usually make better Managers than men? Not surprising, since we really never stop being the Manager!

17. Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

That's funny you got that Who's Who thing! Congrats on being chosen--you do deserve it! Those are all very good skills!

Happy SITS day!

18. Sandy said...

I think your a perfect candidate!

19. Anonymous said...

Sort of? Haha! I agree with the other commenter, you should fill it out and see what happens...who knows? It sounds like you have great business skills. And don't forget to add Dedicated. I mean, how many days have you called off sick or showed up late? :D

20. Brandi said...

You're overqualified, really. ;) You should send it it in just for laughs! Cute post.

21. {leah} said...

That's one bio that I can relate with!! I would read it.

Happy SITS day!

22. Creative Junkie said...

Well, I'm sold on you! In fact, I think you may be overqualified.

23. A Fist Full of Dandelions said...

I'm a working mom, and I do think my friends that are SAHMs have a more difficult job sometime. And knowing that, I'd gladly stay home in a heartbeat...if only we could afford it.

24. Unknown said...

Not only are you highly accomplished, you deserve a raise!

25. Anonymous said...

The skills we use as moms are totally transferable to the workplace. That's why, when I put a CV together for my grad school application, I included 'Full-time mother and homemaker, self-employed' along with a list of my skills.

26. seven thirty three said...

I love this post! SAHM are VERY important people and need to be recognized for their hardwork. There are days I wish I could be one too! :)

27. Crafty Girls Workshop said...

Congrats on being the SITS featured blogger today. You are very right, SAHMs are very important and do many of the things that women in the business world do. In fact, in my experience, many times working with adults can seem like working with a group of teenagers. Cute post and cute blog, keep it up!


28. Allison said...

Amen to that! Who says SAHMs aren't high powered executives. We do more than some of them do, that's for sure!

29. Julie Link said...

The Executive Mom job is MUCH harder than a desk job! Accept with a smile!

30. sweetjeanette said...

I love it! ...and yes, you are a highly accomplished female - executive or not!
Enjoy your fb day, SITSta!

31. BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Happy SITS day and I LOVE this. I am also a master at communication. They should time my texting speed. Ah ha

32. tammy said...

Hey, thanks for sharing that. I'm beginning to think I just might be a highly accomplished female business executive, too. :) Look out world...hear we come!!

Stopping by from SITS...congrats on being the featured blogger today.

33. Amy said...

Haha! Its true, being a wife and mother qualifies you for just about any job out there. Happy SITS day!

34. Jenn Erickson said...

The perfect combination of wit, humor and candor!

35. Anonymous said...

If only we were given the salaries... Plus, most of those executives could NEVER do what we do! ;-)



i read somewhere that if we got PAID for doing all of our mom-related tasks, we'd making around $250,000 a year! GEESH! where do i sign up?

37. mommytoalot said...

Great post.

38. Anonymous said...

You are VERY accomplished! :)

39. Brandi said...

No one should ever doubt that motherhood isn't one of the toughest (and most rewarding) jobs there is. You really do have to wear so many hats...

40. Christina said...

Yes... if you were to name a job by the skills required, I think you'd definitely qualify as a high-level executive. ;-)

41. Charlene said...

Absolutely. I say you've definitely got CEO qualifications!

42. Mel at Adventures of Mel said...

You definitely are! You're a domestic engineer as well!:) Love it!

43. Anonymous said...

Moms really are highly accomplished business executives. It's about time somebody took note of it. Great post. Happy SITS day

44. Lindsay Rudolph said...

Congrats on being the SITS featured blogger today! I love your comparative analysis of business skills vs. mommy skills! :) There are a lot of valuable and useful skills need to be a stay-at-home mom, which you clearly pointed out. I love it!

45. Lesli @ aHealthyKitchen said...

Oh that's funny. I remember when I got one in the mail and I felt equally puzzled. Fun story and great perspective.

Live happy,

46. Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

hee hee...very true though! Moms work hard!

47. Jessica said...

I definitely think that managing the business of life is resume-worthy. So is planning a wedding!

48. Robin said...

Preach it!

49. Unknown said...

Right on SITStah!

50. Charlotte said...

I need tips on getting them all at different places at different times, yikes!

51. Tam and John said...

You go, Girl! Call it what you want, we SAHMs are some of the hardest working executives around!

52. Geeta said...

Psh, I'd say women should just be put in charge of everything... but then the @home workplace would likely crumble! :))

53. Meg said...

Too funny! And also true.

54. Patricia said...

I think you deserve a raise!!!


Happy SITS day!

55. Anonymous said...

A raise is definitely in order!!!! Great post!!! :)

Happy SITS Day!!!

56. Holly Lefevre said...

I got a similar mailing...I think we need to start the "Who's Who's of Mommyhood."
Holly @

57. Lamonica said...

Great post. I enjoyed reading it.

Stopping by from SITS.

58. Unknown said...

Three different schools!? Hi from SITS!

59. Days of Whine & Noses said...

Happy SITS day!

60. Leah Rubin said...

And those skills translate, lady, so shoulders back, chin up, and say it with me: I am woman!

Great post!

61. Anonymous said...

I say if Oprah says we have the hardest job in the world then bring on all the fancy shmancy accolades our mailboxes can handle. Who can argue with that woman?

My best, Lynn

62. Anonymous said...

You're awesome!!

Happy SITS day!

63. Unknown said...

you totally have skillz!

i used to get those whos who things when i was a biz exec -- and at first i was flattered and then realized it was a bunch of hooey.

64. Tanyia said...

lol great topic and post! I hope you signed up for the registry! hehe

65. Becky @ Babes in Hairland said...

Too funny! If only those "big wigs" really knew who they were "messing" with, huh?! :) And yes, you are very accomplished - anyone who is a mother is for sure! Hope your day as FB @ SITS is a fun one.

66. shortmama said...

Sounds like a highly accomplished mommy to me!

67. Cheryl said...

You qualify to me! :)

68. Michelle (hometc) said...

Sounds like you might be overworked and under paid, I think you should demand a raise and an executive bonus ;)

69. One of my Hobby Blogs said...

here here - you are exactly right! lol (sits)

70. AdriansCrazyLife said...

Happy SITS day, a day late. Typical, I know!

71. Ms. Mama said...

hi stopped by from SITS.. looks like you had a great day.

Keep up the bloggin.

Being a professional is all in the semantics!!