Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer Break Sleepovers

Yesterday was the last day of school for each of my children. Truth be told, I prefer the routine that comes along with the school year. I prefer the fall and winter months. But, at the same time, I am ready for a little break from it all. It will be nice to let the kids stay up late and sleep in; to let them stay outside playing a game of hide-and-go-seek in the dark; to not have to worry if my daughter has clean uniform pants to wear every morning or if everyone has lunch money. Yes, I guess I am glad that summer break is officially here. However, there is one thing about summer break that gets old pretty fast --- sleepovers. We live in a subdivision. All around us, there are children. Don't get me wrong, most of the time, this is a good thing. My kids' best friends all live on our street. They are all good kids and it makes life a lot easier to have their friends close by. But, once school is out, they want to do sleepovers ALL THE TIME! I'm not against sleepovers, but, asking every night to stay over at their friend's house or have them stay at ours just wears me out (especially since we have four kids). I decided to set some ground rules right off the bat this year. I wanted to allow each child one sleepover (either at a friend's house or at our house) per week (Sunday-Saturday), but, my husband thought that was too strict. So, we decided to allow each child up to 2 sleepovers per week. I still think that is a lot, but, I guess I'm a fuddy-duddy, LOL! What do you think? For those of you with school-age children, what are your rules about sleepovers? Am I really being a party-pooper or do you think 2 sleepovers per week is fair?


1. Heather said...

I tend to be the strict one here too. I think 1 or 2 times per week should be plenty especially if they all live on the same street. They can still play together all day, right? One of my step-daughters was at a friend's house last night and our son was asking about having friends over too. I'm just not ready for it. It's supposed to be a break. We tend to be more lenient with the girls because they go to their mom's for the summer which is in a different town. So they don't see their school friends that much, but every weekend they will be asking to do sleepovers or whatnot when they are back here.

Let the fun begin!! :)

2. Two Pretty Little Skirts said...

Can I just say I HATE YOU! haha just kidding. I'm just jealous that your kiddos are out of school already! My 12yo doesnt get out for another 2 WEEKS! How crazy is that?
Stoppin by from SITS, love your blog!
followin ya!


3. Jill said...

For some reason, sleepovers aren't big around here. If they were, I'd probably go with the one per week.....

4. Debbie said...

I hate sleepovers! Truly. The whole family is punished with lack of sleep. I once told my daughter no sleepovers for a year. And I stuck to it. So, the next time you feel like a fuddy duddy, remember me:)
Stopped by from SITS.

5. Design It Chic said...

ha ha party pooper??? no way!!! i have no kids for the moment, but if I'd have some I'd probably set some ground rules too.. and since you have 4 of those.. oh my, i would go goo-goo having friends form all of my kids coming over every night.. too much!!!
Yet i admire you manage to do 2 for each kid per week??? You're a supermom!!
Happy Sunday!

6. CG said...

You are SO not being a party pooper! Kudos for you setting boundaries! Stopping by your beautiful blog from SITS! I see we run in the same bloggy circle...maybe we'll see each other again!

7. Martha said...

With four kids? I'd do one a week. I know it may sound like a bummer - but in the end, you're probably saving them from spats with their's good for them to get away from each other for a little bit!