Friday, August 14, 2009

Aloha Friday: School-Night Bedtimes

It's time for Aloha Friday. A time to take it easy and post something quick and easy for you to answer.

My topic this week is school-night bedtimes. Our kids started back to school on Tuesday. I have to admit, it was a little bit of a shock to the system - getting back into the early morning routines. I'm a night owl by nature; I love to stay up late and then sleep in. During the summer, my kids are pretty much the same way. Now that school has started back, here's the schedule we aim for:

Our 8, 11, and 13 yr. olds in bed by 9:00 pm (they catch bus at 7:30 am and 8:30 am)

Our 16 yr. old in bed by 11:00 pm (he leaves for school at 6:30 am)

Here are my questions for you:

1. If you have kids, what are their bedtimes?

2. Do they have the same bedtime all year or do they change during the school year?

3. If you have more than one child, do you give them different bedtimes according to age?

~For more Aloha Friday, be sure and visit An Island Life


1. Tena said...

good questions!
We have 3 boys, ages 8,4,2. Last year bedtime was at 7:30 with lights out at 8pm. Now that our oldest is going into 3rd grade hubby and I decided that he could stay up till about 8:15-8:30. The two younger ones will remain on the same schedule, especially since baby #4 is due in March, need as many kids sleeping as possible come a certain time of day, lol

Happy Friday

2. Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

My boys are basically 6 and just 2. During the school year my oldest son went to bed before 8. This summer we have been stretching that since it does not matter. The little guy is taking naps that sometimes alter his bedtime still.

3. Kiki said...

I have one child. He goes to bed almost every night between 7 and 7:30pm. It has been this way for years. He was sleeping through the night at 5 weeks old, so sleeping has never been an issue in our house. If he stays up late he gets up super early. That is why we try to stick to the schedule. Aloha and take care.

4. sues2u2 said...

We have a 12 yr old son who needs to be in bed by 9pm during the school year but can stay up later in the summer & weekends.

We also have a 7 yr old daughter who is in bed by 8:30 although sometimes it gets moved up to 8pm. That's pretty much year round but it's mostly her own setting. She'll put herself to bed if she's tired.

5. Liz Mays said...

My kids had the same bedtimes until they got in high school. Then the older one got to stay up a bit later but never past 10pm until they graduated. We tried 11pm but they were too tired with that bedtime so we went back to 10pm.

Now, they can stay up as late as they want as long as they don't disturb my sleep! :)

6. Deb said...

No school yet here, and they go to bed between 7:30 and 8. I like keeping it the same every night, so I think we still will when they're older, even if it's a tad later than their current bedtime.

7. Anonymous said...

All our children go to bed at the same time all year. I'm more laxed in the summer, and the boys might stay up and read after we put them to bed.

Visiting from SITs!

8. I am Harriet said...

My kids are way too old for bedtimes. I'm usually the first one in bed since I am up early.

Happy Friday!

9. Auntie E said...

Okay that three questions,lol.
Have a 15 year old catches bus at 645am.
1. 10:30
2. In the summer heck She get up some where between 12 and 2. so she gowes to bed at 11:30 and reads till sometimes in the early hours.
3. it will be very hard to get her to go by 10:30.I think this year I will say 10 so by 10:30 she will be in bed.

10. Andrea said...

We're currently trying to get my kids (7 and 3) on a school time schedule. We'd like them to be asleep by 8:30, but it's usually about 9 before they fall asleep.

11. Suzy said...

My kids are young (3 and 1 1/2) and their bedtime is 8 pm and then they'll wake at 6 am.

A great question and so I'm snooping at your replies for ideas!


12. The Double Dipped Life said...

I have 3 young kids and they all sleep in the same room! No matter what time we put them to bed, they don't fall asleep until 10 or so. So far, it doesn't seem to affect the school aged child. *Fingers crossed*

13. The Double Dipped Life said...

Thank you for letting me post this on my blog!

14. Jennifer said...

My boys are in High School. One of my twins goes to bed the same time every night, no later then 11:00PM, his twin usually follows. The oldest stays up until his homework is finished.

15. Absurd Book Nerd said...

1. If you have kids, what are their bedtimes? Five year old - 7:30pm, 13 yr old - 9pm, 15 yr old - 9:30pm during the school year.

2. Do they have the same bedtime all year or do they change during the school year? They get an extra 30 minutes on weekends & summer vacation.

3. If you have more than one child, do you give them different bedtimes according to age? yes we do, different ages need different amounts of sleep & so do different kids for that matter. Our oldest needs sleep worse than the others. He will actually go to bed before his bedtime, voluntarily.

16. kailani said...

I have 2 girls (3 & 7) and they both go to bed at 8:30pm on school nights. They get to stay up a little later on the weekends.

17. septembermom said...

My 12 year old goes to bed around 9:30 during the school year. My 9 and 6 year olds around 8:30. My 3 year old (hopefully) will go around 8:30 too. In the summer, the bedtimes are all over the place:)

18. Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

My son is 17 and he leaves the house at 6:15 for the bus and his bedtime is 10:00. No doubt he is texting or watching TV still after that time but that is what we suggest to him. LOL
When not in school he gets to make his own schedule.

My little kids are pretty little...
9 month old goes to bed at 7:30 and the 2 year old goes to bed at 7:45.

19. Lagean Ellis said...

Best of luck with the back to school. My son is out of school!
Happy VGNO

20. Carolee Hollenback said...

They have different bedtimes- there's only one younger than 18 now. She usually goes to bed around 9 p.m. Maybe 10 in summer, but she's usually ready by 9.

Hope you had a good VGNO!

21. AudreyO said...

Pretty much after age 13 they were able to choose their own bedtimes. As long as they were getting their homework done and getting up for school they could choose. Both had extracurricular activites that often had them getting home after 9pm. Then they needed to do homework.

22. Brandi said...

Well, Marlee is 7 months old, so she goes to bed at 7 usually. More by her choice at the beginning than ours. When she is older it will probably be 8...