Whatever is the opposite of a green thumb, that's what I have. This used to be a beautiful jade plant, brimming over with shiny green leaves. I wish I had a photo of how it looked before it came to live in my house; it was so pretty. The jade plant belonged to my grandmother, and when she passed away a few years ago, my mom took the plant. Then, last fall when my parents downsized and moved into a patio home, my mom gave the plant to me. You should know, I'm not a plant/flower person at all. But, I always loved this particular jade plant and my mom convinced me it was an "easy" plant to care for. It looked great for the first several months that I had it, then it started taking a turn for the worse. I'm not sure what I did wrong - maybe it didn't get enough sunlight or maybe I kept it too close to my furnace register...I don't know. It looks so pitiful and I feel really bad about that. I'm thinking about sending it back to my mom to see if she can revive it. Any suggestions?
Stopping by from SITS - I'm from Kentucky, too! (My parents live near Louisville). And, I definitely do not have a green thumb, either!
I wish I could offer you help, but I can't keep plants either. In fact, anything that grows in my front yard does it by the sheer desire to live! Lol.
I have never once kept a plant alive! I wish I could help!
Stopping by from SITS. Wish I could offer some help but I don't know a thing about jade pants except that they're pretty.
Don't water it too much, always wait that the soil gets dry before watering it again. It likes light places, rather than dark ones. I have one at home and I very rarely add fertilizer (if ever?).
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