My daughter, Shelby, celebrated her 16th birthday this week! I know it's cliche but it's so true...where does the time go? They just grow up so fast. Of course this mama thinks her girl is the greatest - she's smart, funny, creative, unique, and beautiful - just to name a few of her awesome qualities. In honor of her milestone birthday, here are 16 random facts about Shelby:
1) She loves music and is always finding new and obscure songs/artists to enjoy
2) She's about to start her Junior year of high school this fall
3) Her GPA is 4.0
4) Like her mom, she loves big dogs
5) She is in love with Ryan Ross (musician)
6) Her favorite pickles are 'bread and butter' pickles
7) Her BFF is named Catie
8) She also has a thing for Norman Reedus (he plays Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead)
9) She loves horror movies
10) She thinks greeting cards are "lame & sappy" and wants to design her own line of hip greeting cards
11) Lately, she has been suffering from insomnia
12) Going to the mall is one of her favorite activities
13) This summer, she is volunteering at one of our local museums
14) She really wants to travel to Europe
16) She recently got about 6 inches of her hair cut off (this picture was before the haircut)
Happy Birthday, Shelby!

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