Friday, September 28, 2012

Aloha Friday - Early Bird Shopping

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday, hosted by Kailani over at An Island Life. In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day to take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So, on Fridays we can take it easy on blog posting, too.

I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer - nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, visit An Island Life where you can link up with your own question and also visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

I officially started my Christmas shopping this week, buying a few things for my 16 year old daughter. Having four kids, it's much easier if I spread out the shopping so I don't have to spend so much money at once. My question for you...

Do you start your holiday shopping early or do most of it at the last minute?



1. About a Mom said...

I started mine the day after Christmas last year and have most of it done. I hate doing things last minute!

2. Jennifer S. said...

Hmmm.. I am usually not too last minute, but definitely not far ahead of the game either!

3. Unknown said...

I do christmas shopping all year long! whenever there is a great sale, I get stuff here and there and then hide it and hope I remember where I've hidden it by the time christmas comes. But I really focus on Christmas shopping starting the last week of September through December. I don't like last minute shopping.

4. Cheap Is The *New* Classy said...

I usually start pretty early, though I don't think I have gotten anything this year yet.


5. Jeannette said...

I'm so last minute! I really need to try to do better this year!

6. Alison Shaffer said...

we seem to be going the way of gift card giving, so I'll probably start buying them a few each month to spread it out.

7. Catherine L. said...

I do both.

8. XmasDolly said...

Girl... do you see the name of my blog? XMASDOLLY! SHOOT I START THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR! Do you realize the bargains you can get! hahahahahahaha Great question in fact I got three presents just today! LOL Have a great weekend.

9. Colette S said...

I always try to purchase things throughout the year, but this year we just don't have the $$.

We'll see how it goes.

10. David and Cathi said...

We've started but we're far from done. ;)

11. Stacy Uncorked said...

I usually try to have it all done by Thanksgiving so I can 'coast' between then and Christmas, but I'm thinking this year I will be finishing up at the last minute - I have started, though - the tricky part is going to be finding good hiding places that won't get discovered (or that I won't forget about and end up buying too much, which is the 'norm'.) ;)

The Age of Wisdom

12. I am Harriet said...

Thanks to the folks at Groupon, I'm almost finished :)

Have a great weekend!

13. Menopausal New Mom said...

I always start early and pick up gifts all year long when I happen to see them. Sure takes the pressure off during the month of December when we are going flat out anyway