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I officially started my Christmas shopping this week, buying a few things for my 16 year old daughter. Having four kids, it's much easier if I spread out the shopping so I don't have to spend so much money at once. My question for you...
Do you start your holiday shopping early or do most of it at the last minute?

I started mine the day after Christmas last year and have most of it done. I hate doing things last minute!
Hmmm.. I am usually not too last minute, but definitely not far ahead of the game either!
I do christmas shopping all year long! whenever there is a great sale, I get stuff here and there and then hide it and hope I remember where I've hidden it by the time christmas comes. But I really focus on Christmas shopping starting the last week of September through December. I don't like last minute shopping.
I usually start pretty early, though I don't think I have gotten anything this year yet.
I'm so last minute! I really need to try to do better this year!
we seem to be going the way of gift card giving, so I'll probably start buying them a few each month to spread it out.
I do both.
Girl... do you see the name of my blog? XMASDOLLY! SHOOT I START THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR! Do you realize the bargains you can get! hahahahahahaha Great question in fact I got three presents just today! LOL Have a great weekend.
I always try to purchase things throughout the year, but this year we just don't have the $$.
We'll see how it goes.
We've started but we're far from done. ;)
I usually try to have it all done by Thanksgiving so I can 'coast' between then and Christmas, but I'm thinking this year I will be finishing up at the last minute - I have started, though - the tricky part is going to be finding good hiding places that won't get discovered (or that I won't forget about and end up buying too much, which is the 'norm'.) ;)
The Age of Wisdom
Thanks to the folks at Groupon, I'm almost finished :)
Have a great weekend!
I always start early and pick up gifts all year long when I happen to see them. Sure takes the pressure off during the month of December when we are going flat out anyway
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