Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Movie Trailer Tuesday - Friends With Kids

Jason and Julie have been best friends forever. They each want to have a child someday, but just haven't been able to find their perfect partner yet. When they see the stress and strain that marriage and parenthood puts on their friends, they decide to take a different approach. They make the decision to have a child together, as friends only, who will share custody and split child-rearing responsibilities right down the middle. Then, they can get down to the business of finding their mates. It's the perfect plan...or so they think.

I loved this movie! Love, love, loved it! It has everything I love in a good romantic comedy - it's funny, sweet, sexy, smart, touching, romantic...I could go on and on. Some may say it's a predictable chick flick but I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

Rated R for sexual content and language



1. Liz Mays said...

Well from the premise alone you'd know that wouldn't go as smoothly as planned, but it sounds really good. I didn't want to see it before, but I actually do now so thanks!

2. Mariah @ FormulaMom.com said...

My husband and I both want to see this movie! Thanks for the reminder!

3. Grandma Juice said...

I so want to see this!!!

4. Caryn B. said...

Oh...I wanted to see this in theaters.....Looks good!

5. Aaron Brinker said...

Life is never so easy is it? Best friends...have a child...perfect parenting....lol...I already know there is no such thing as perfect parenting! I miss the days of actually getting to watch movies on Friday night at the movies...until we had our son we went to the movies every Friday night. (of course I wouldn't give anything in the world to change things. I am pretty happen being a dad!)
