It was so nice and definitely time well spent. We talked - really talked - about everything from books we are reading and want to read, music and movies, to what's been going on with her friends and at school. I'm glad that we both share a love of reading and that she actually wants to discuss books together. One of the reasons that I read so many young adult books is that it connects me to my daughter and gives us something to share. I love that she wants to tell me things about her friends and her day. We talked about her classes and which classes she might take next year as a high school senior. She made me smile and laugh, and, well, she made my day!
Having four kids, it's not always easy to get that one-on-one time with them. Something as simple as an afternoon in the car together gave me the perfect opportunity to do just that with my daughter. As my kids get older (12, 14, 16, and 19), I realize even more how precious our time is together. It will be a mere blink of an eye and before I know it, they will be grown up and ready to leave the nest. But, for now, this mama bird intends to cherish every single second.
What about you? For those of you with children, how do you get your quality time with them?

I know exactly what you mean! Since I had the twins, time was so little with just my oldest and it makes me so sad. I try and schedule regular 'date nights' with just us, love this special time!!
My little girl and I get quality time together every day, with a special 30 minute time where whe do whatever she wants. It's harder to get in that same time with my son since he's at school all day. When I remember, I try to take him out to the store or just on errands with me, alone. It's so difficult to plan sometimes though.
No kids yet here but it's hard to get quality time with family since I now live thousands of miles away. Makes you appreciate the time you have together so much more.
I try to schedule time with each of my boys. It is so hard with two that I could not imagine more!
That's great that you got to share this time and you read what she likes to have it in common. I do the same thing with my son -- which is why I'm now playing Minecraft!
That is precious time! And I'm glad you got to enjoy time with your daughter.
It seems I'm a single parent so I'm the one who does it all for the kids, so on Friday after picking them up from school, I ensure to just go away to eat and play with them. We must just hang out, no discipline, and just have fun!
Enjoy your weeknd.
I do not have any children. Spending quality time with each of yours is important-I am glad you make that time! Lots of times Mothers ans daughters, especially at her age do not exactly see eye to eye!! So glad to hear you do not have that problem!
Hello Fellow Kentuckian!
We had 5 including a set of twins and if I had to pick the hardest thing (and there were several) about having 5 it would be finding quality one on one time. There just never seemed to be enough of me to go around. The best we can do is the best we can do. Blessings to you! I love this post! Would you consider linking up with me at so my friends and readers could read it too? Have a great day!
My kids are fully grown and we still do our best talking in the car! Thanks for sharing.
Mine is very little so I am fortunate :) I still have some time with her. We spend time reading together and playing games. Hubby likes to take her out to park and spend time teaching her things. I guess there are more opportunities to spend time with them when they are little. Lovely post. I should remember to read with her as long as possible.
Yesterday I went on a bike ride with my 6 year old and we both had a great time!
Bobbie Anne
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