Thank you for stopping by the Gobbling Up the Giveaways giveaway hop
Hosted by The Anti-June Cleaver and Our Piece of Earth.
We have teamed up with an amazing group of bloggers to bring you a lot of fantastic of prizes to kick of the holiday season. After you have entered my giveaway, be sure to visit the linky below for more great prizes.
It's hard to believe the holidays are almost upon us. Whether you are an early-bird shopper who's already started shopping or someone who waits till the last minute, the Gobbling Up The Giveaways Hop is the perfect place to score some great gifts.
Check out my giveaway below and then be sure to visit all the other participants for more chances to win. Happy Holidays and Good Luck!
One lucky Alas 3 Lads reader will win a $25 Walmart Gift Card.
*This giveaway is open to U.S. residents who are 18 or older. One random winner will be selected from all eligible entries. Please make sure I have valid contact information for you in case you are the winner. Winner must respond within 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen.
a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: The Anti-June Cleaver, Our Piece of Earth, and the rest of the bloggers participating in the Fall Fun giveaway hop are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.
I shop through the year and we do a very small Christmas of 5 gifts per child so we are just about finished
I have already started shopping for the holidays :D
I have only bought 2 small presents so far. I am a long way from finished.
I done but wait for the gifts to arrive.
I haven't started Christmas shopping yet. I have started to think about it though.
I haven't started shopping yet, but my favorite stores to shop for gifts are Walmart and Amazon!
I haven't started yet...usually start at midnight Black Friday.
I have not starting my shopping yet, but I love to shop at Toys R US
I have not started shopping yet!
I am done shopping for my mom, husband and kids. Just need to get gifts for my two nephews.
I haven't started my Christmas shopping yet. I am finding myself having a hard time getting in the spirit so far.
I have not done any holiday shopping yet.
Yes I have started my holiday shopping.
- It says "Daily" for the tweet, but you can only enter once :)
I have mostly finished my holiday shopping already!! I'm going to start sending packages out soon!!! :)
have not started shopping yet. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net
I have already started shopping!
I don't really ever stop holiday shopping, just do it all year to get the best deals and sales when they come up!
My favorite store to shop at for gifts is Walmart! I get more bang for my buck!
Nope I have not started shopping for Christmas yet.. soon though!
I haven't started the shopping yet.
I usually start my Christmas shopping around the time I hear hooves clattering on the roof.
I have only bought a couple things and with 5 kids, I need to hurry it up
I am almost finished with my shopping this year!
I just bought my first Christmas present about two days ago! It begins.....
Nicole Carter
I have only gotten two gifts so far..I really need to get on it!
My kids both have September bdays and I overdid it on shopping so I put a few gifts aside for xmas - thats it so far though!
nope I have not started yet
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I have done a little shopping but not too much. Mostly on Amazon, which is my favorite way to shop.
I have not started my shopping yet, but I love shopping on Amazon and at Walmart. Those are the places that I get the majority of my gifts. Thank you.
No I haven't started yet. My favorite stores for holiday shopping are Amazon and Walmart.
Rafflecopter name is Tiffani Jade
I have started a list of potential gift ideas... no actual purchasing yet!
I love Amazon for shopping for presents.
My favorite store to shop at is Target!
I started my shopping...but have a lot more to do.
Thank you!
My husband and I bought his mother a picture of the wicked witch of the west from The Wizard of Oz... Sort of an inside joke I guess, haha. So that's the only shopping so far until closer to Christmas.
I buy Christmas gifts all year long if something is on sale and someone needs it.
I haven't started my shopping yet, but one of my favorite stores is Kohl's.
I have not started any holiday shopping, I am decorating, though :)
I just bought my daughter's first gift on Amazon a few minutes ago. It was DIY Knot Quilt and it was on sale 50 percent off!
I am almost done with my holiday shopping
I have done a little Holiday shopping but still have most of it left to do.
I've bought one gift so far! Way ahead of schedule for me! ;) Then again, I usually only buy for about three people.
I started a little while ago but only bought little things. Since we live all over we use Amazon and their 'wish list' to purchase items; mostly at Amazon but sometimes we can get the items on sale locally.
I haven't started a bit of my shopping. Now you are making me worried.
I started shopping over the weekend. I'm loving Target and SYW this year.
I shop year round to be able to look for the best deals on items to give for Christmas! I love shopping at Kohl's and using all their coupons!
I have not started my shopping yet!
I have started shopping
no I haven't started shopping yet - but my favorite store to shop at is Kohls
I have started shopping although it's all still at Toys R Us because I did the layaway :)
I have already started my Christmas shopping and I'm proud to say, I'm more then half way done! I'm saving a few higher priced items for Black Friday, but I'm almost done!
I've bought a few gifts.
I have not started my holiday shopping yet, though I plan to pick up a couple of things this weekend.
I have started thinking of ideas though I haven't shopped for anything yet.
I have most of my shopping done, just have a few nieces and nephews left to shop for.
I'm about halfway done with my holiday shopping.
I have a pretty good start on my shopping, at least for the little ones. Not so much my husband. lol
I have not started my shopping yet...I am a last minute shopper.
I buy a few presents before Thanksgiving when I see a great deal, but I do most of my shopping after Thanksgiving
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I have started my Christmas shopping and I do most of my shopping on Amazon.
I have started my Christmas shopping. I like to shop at a variety of stores. I am not partial to one over another. Although, I do try to shop at KMart and Sears since I work for KMart!
i have done a lot of shopping so far - it's easy to find online deals early!
I've only purchased 2 things so far lol
Yes I have started I shop sales all year long so I can afford It!
yes, I have started
I have started my shopping and I am about half through!!
Yes, I have started mine.
I am almost done with my holiday shopping!
I am almost done doing my Christmas shopping.
Oh I have a good start on my holiday shopping! Have more to go, but I hope to be done the beginning of December!
I have not started yet.
I have all my shopping done except for a few more things for my fur babies.
We've started doing some holiday shopping for our son. We like to start early and buy a lot of little things online over time, so it's not so bad buying everything at once!
I haven't started shopping yet, but one of my favorite places to shop is Amazon.
I shop all year so yes I have a huge pile of gifts to give for Christmas. I shop the sales and clearances all year :) I just pick up last minute gifts closer to the holiday if needed. :)
I've started shopping, and still have quite a bit to do. I like to shop online at Amazon. I also like to go to CVS, Walgreens, Kmart and Menards. Thanks.
So far, I've bought one thing for my sister for Christmas, but I will be starting my holiday shopping next weekend. My favorite place to shop is Kohls.
I plan to start shopping after Thanksgiving.
No Christmas shopping done yet.
I will be starting next weekend.
thank you
I have not started shopping I have been thinking about what I want to get them and putting it on my list
I have not started shopping yet. I usually start black friday.
Jennifer Rote
I haven't started shopping yet. My favorite place to shop is on Amazon.
I have not started my Christmas shopping yet but I am going after our Thanksgiving dinner and hitting the sales then! We usually get everything we need on that day.
Ive started shopping
My favorite store to shop in is Amazon. I can avoid the crowds and shop from the comfort of my own home.
I have not started shopping.
rounder9834 @yahoo.com
I started my shopping awhile back and I am just about done with my list.
Yes I have bought and made a couple gifts already but I'm not done yet. :)
I haven't started shopping yet because I don't have any money yet.
Yes I have started Christmas Shopping. I'm about 25% done.
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