Saturday, February 16, 2013

Weekly Links I Liked 2-16-13

Here's my weekly round-up of stuff that caught my eye on the web this week...

My favorite fashion pin - Gray is my favorite color and I love it paired here with brown. It's a great casual look.

These ventless fireplaces are so cool! I especially love the Empire Tabletop Fireplace - it uses a gel fuel that imitates the crackling sound of fire.

Check out these 20 Health Benefits of Turmeric. I've gotta try to incorporate more of this into my diet.

I just came across this new-to-me site that looks really interesting. What The Flicka? is an online site/community for women by Felicity Huffman (from Desperate Housewives). There are lots of contributing writers dishing on everything from parenting, relationships, food, health, entertainment, and more. I look forward to diving in and checking it out in more detail.

I've seen this pin floating around on Pinterest for awhile and just adore this lip color. But, I cannot find it anywhere! I've looked and I'm thinking this color doesn't really exist.

How about you? What interesting things did you come across this week on the web?
