Today, I am the featured blogger at The Secret is in The Sauce, or SITS. If you are not familiar with SITS, it's a wonderful network of women bloggers, a.k.a. Sitstas, who are committed to supporting one another and leaving comments. Check them out!
If you are coming over from SITS, welcome! I'm so happy to be the featured blogger and hope that you will enjoy your visit.
About Me:
I'm a stay-at-home mom to four kiddos - my boys are 16, 11, and 9, my daughter is 13. I've been married to my high-school sweetheart, firefighter husband for 18 years. I am also a registered nurse, and have recently been thinking about returning to the work force. We have a big, spoiled-rotten dog, an airedale terrier named Emma. I've been blogging for a few years now, and I'm constantly amazed at how many great people I've met along the way. Topics I like to blog about include movies, tv, books, music, family life, and parenting/teen issues.

Things I Love:
Dark and cloudy days ~ snowflakes ~ big dogs ~ Earl Grey tea ~ Christmas ~ Fox News Channel ~ bookstores ~ babies' laughter ~ dark chocolate Hershey kisses ~ staying up late ~ foreign films ~ Twilight ~ fashion magazines ~ guacamole
Three Posts To Check Out:
What Do I See?
I'm a highly accomplished female business executive...sort of
Teens and Driving
I also do a weekly feature every Tuesday, called Movie Trailer Tuesday. This is where I post a video trailer and a little blurb about movies that I like and recommend. If you click on the button below, you can check out all my Movie Trailer Tuesday posts.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you'll come back again. And, a big thanks to The SITS Girls for all that they do!
On another note:
While I'm extremely excited about being the featured SITS blogger, I actually won't be able to be around my computer today. Last week, we discovered that my Dad has a mass on his lung, probably cancer and probably inoperable. Today, we are at the hospital where he is to undergo a biopsy to find out exactly what we are dealing with. I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers during this very stressful time. I plan on visiting each of you who stop by and comment, but, it may take me a few days to do so.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»congrats on being FB!!!!
I hope everything turns out ok for your father. Your entire family is in my thoughts & prayers.
happy sits day and best wishes to your dad.
hi featured blogger! hugs from sits! i like your blog and love your dog!
wish you a very happy monday!
congrats on your SITS day!! Love the blog. I have a teen too, a daughter of 15, I so get the highs and lows! xx
Happy SITS day! Will be keeping you and your family in my prayers today.
Happy SITS Day!!1
So sorry to hear about your dad. Glad you are able to be with him.
Congrats!!!!! Happy sits day!.
You have a lovely blog and it's so nice to "meet" you :)
I will keep you and your fmaily in my prayers.....and also, I'm on my way to check out some more of your posts!
I used to have an Airedale. They are lovely.
Listen, congrats on being the featured blogger. And courage for your journey ahead with your father. I spent the summer before last with my dad while he was treated for prostate cancer. It was much harder than I ever expected. He is currently cancer-free. But it was still hard.
Good help via the LiveStrong people . . . I ordered a workbook from them (I think it was even free). Very useful.
I hope things go okay with your father.
From my Trenches to yours, my thoughts are with you!
Greetings & Salutations! Love this...you're quite the creative gal.
Cookin' up a real spicy day over at my place. SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did. Happy Monday!
Deal Me In: Texas Hold 'Em Jambalaya
Congrats on your SITS Day. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad, I went through that with my father too. All I can tell you is to lean on your friends when you need to and to be there in whatever way your dad will let you. I will be thinking of you and your family in the weeks to come.
Congratulations on your FB spotlight a la SITS!
Sending positive thoughts and prayers for your family.
So sorry to hear about your Dad. Huge hugs to you and your family!!
Your blog design is just beautiful!
Congrats on your SITS day!
Prayers will go up for your dad and family!
God Bless,
Congrats on your SITS day - hope all goes well with your dad!
Happy SITS Day! Your dog is a real sweetie. I am very sorry to hear about your father. My best wishes to you and your family.
Happy Sits
Thinking 'bout your Dad...
Came over from SITS - will check out your movie reviews!
Congrats on your sits day!
I hope all goes well with your father.
Congrats on your SITS day!!
Your pup is adorable, but I'm a huge fan of airdale terriers!! If I could get a puppy that would be the breed I would get!
Coming over from SITS...
So sorry to hear about your father. Hugs and prayers coming your way!!! Family comes first!
Happy SITS day! All the best to your Dad.
Your dog is so cute!
Thinking of you and your family today. I hope everything turns out ok.
Happy SITS day!
Hi www.greedygirlsguide.com stopping by from SITS
Congrats on you day so sorry to hear about your dad, i'll keep him in my prayers
Congratulations on being the FB!!!
I'm off to check out your posts...
But before I go- best wishes to your dad and your family!
So sorry your big day fell during a hard time. My thoughts will be with you today. The SITS Gang is behind you.
WooHoo!....Congratulations on your day in the SITS sun! I hope your day today is beautiful.
On another note, I hope all goes well for your father.
Happy SITS day!
Steph @ Stick It in the Fridge
Congrats on being saucy! I'm sorry about your dad. I hope the news is better than expected. {{{HUGS}}}
Congrats on your big day! I'll have to poke around here a bit and see what my life with 3 boys might be like in the future. Too bad we don't have a girl thrown into the mix like you do:(
Happy SITS day!
I'll send out some prayers for you father.
Happy SITS Day!!
So sorry about your dad, that is very scary and stressful.
Congrats on your SITS day!
Congrats on your big day....and putting your dad in my prayers today! I know your presence will mean so much!
Congrats on the SITS feature. Nice blog. Have a great day.
happy sits day. best wishes to your dad. will be back to read you again for sure!
Happy SITSday!
I am praying for your dad as well as your entire family!
I'll keep a positive thought for your dad. I'm sure you'll have lots of new friends to come back to. Happy SITS Day.
Congratulations on being the SITS blog of the day. Your blog is awesome.
Happy SITS Day to you! Love your blog. All my prayers for your dad today.
Happy SITS day!!!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
You and you family will be in my thoughts and prayers today!!
Congrats on being Featured Blogger!!!
Best wishes to you, your family and your dad today. I'm sorry that you and your fam are going through this tough time. I hope for the best and will say a prayer.
Our thoughts will be with you. Hope for the best.
Congrats on being today's FB on SITS!! I will definitely keep you, your father, and family in my prayers. Hope everything turns out to be ok!
I'm sorry to hear about your father. Thinking of you as you find out your options for treatments. : )
Congrats on being the FB! I look forward to reading your favorite posts! I hope your dad is ok!
Congrats on being the featured blogger! That is awesome.
I hope everything turns out okay for your father!
I'll be praying for your family! Congrats on your SITS day :)
Nice tameetcha!
My thoughts will be with you & your dad & your family today. Hugs!
Happy SITS day! My best wishes to your father.
Happy SITS day. Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. Hope all ends ok.
Congratulations on your feature today! I hope you Dad comes through the surgery well. I will be sure to pray for each of you!
Happy Sitsa'a day!I am very sorry to hear about your Dad!Hugs to you!
Happy SITS day. Movie Trailer tuesday is a GREAT idea. I might even have to try that one. We love movies.
Also, I'll be praying for you father.
Happy SITS day!!! I like your blog!
I'm sending good vibes out for you and your family!
Congrats on being FB. I was it two weeks ago and I'm still trying to visit everyone that dropped by.
Take your time. I will pray for your dad. We'll all be here when the time is right for you to be back.
Happy SITS Day! I'll be back to see how it went with your Dad. Y'all are in my prayers.
Thinking of you today and hoping for the best possible outcome for your DAD. Congrats on being featured today. I really like your blog site. So pretty and clever. Take good care. Keri
Congrats on your SITS Day!! I know it might be a little bittersweet today, because family is most important. Please accept my prayers for your Father & your family.
Congrats on being the featured blogger on SITS. Sending you some SITS love and concern for your father.
Congrats on your SITS Day! I hope everything turns out ok for your dad. I'll think good, positive thoughts for you!
Wishing you a happy SITS day and keeping your family in our family's prayers!
congrats sitsta! and best of luck to your family and father. sending love a positive energy your way . . .
I will be praying for your Dad! I hope this SITS day brings a little bit of joy in a difficult time.
I'm so sorry to read about your Dad. I hope that when you return from a tough day, you'll feel lifted by all the SITS visits and comment love.
Peace to you and yours,
happy sits day saying a little prayer for dad.
Your dad will be in my prayers today. I remember sitting in the hospital with my dad getting the same news. Hang in there. Congrats on your SITS DAY. Love your blog.
Mathy,Techy,Artsy Fartsy sends love.
Congrats on FB. I'm so sorry about your dad, and I hope that you get nothing but positive news today.
It was nice to get to know you! I will pray for your father and know the Lord is good and will bring you comfort in this time!
Although you might not get to enjoy the day entirely we are blessed to get to know you! Maybe this came at the right time to pull a group of prayers for your family!
Happy SITS Day!
Congrats on your SITS day!!!
My prayers are with you and yor family.
Congratulations on your SITS day!
congrats on your sits day!
happy sits day!!!! :)
Happy Sits Day!
I hate to hear about your dad...my grandmother passed away of lung cancer at 60.
Got here from SITS.
From one fireman's wife to another, HaPpY SiTs DaY!
happy SITs feature day and I wish your father well
Happy SITS day!!!
I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. I wish you and your family the best at this time!
Nana's Box
I like your topics! Hope you have a great SITS day and I'll be back to visit more.
Congrats on your day!!!
On another note, sorry to hear about your dad! I will be praying for you all!!
enjoy your sits day! happy monday.
I'm a firefighter wife too. Enjoy your special day!
Happy SITS monday, I am praying for your dad *hugs*
Congrats on your SITS day!! I was so excited when I saw your blog listed!
On a less happy note... I pray that your father will recover quickly, and that you can all have the strength to help him through this time.
Love ya girl!
Fantastic blog and very interesting and really beautiful designing!!
I wish you all the best and a lot of luck!!!
Happy SITS day to you!!! :)
Congrats on being the featured blogger!!! And many prayers to your dad today!
Happy SITS day.
I said a prayer for your Poppa...so sorry for this news. So glad he has loving family to spoil and pamper him!
Congratulation on your SITS day ~
Congrats on your SITS feature! I will keep your dad and family in my thoughts and prayers.
Happy SITS day! Awesome blog!
Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hope the prognosis on your father is a good one.
Congratulations on being the featured blog!
I hope things go well with your dad!
Congrats on being the FB!!! YEAH!!
I will certainly be praying for your dad as well as your whole family.
Happy SITS day! I'll pray for your dad.
Happy SITS Day.
I'm so sorry about your dad. You do have my thoughts and prayers with you and I hope things work out okay.
I love your blog and can't wait to have a little look around!
Congrats on your special day.
Going to check out the rest of you blog now.
Happy SITS day girl! Your blog is just DARLING!
i absolutely love your site design!! and your pooch is cuuute. airdales are adorable
Congrats on being the FB on SITS.
I really hope your dad is ok. You're family will be in my prayers.
Congrats SITSta!!!
Best wishes and prayers for your Dad.
Congratulations on being featured- you have a wonderful blog! So sorry to hear about your dad- hugs and prayers for him and you.
Happy SITS day! I am sorry that it doesn't fall on the best of days for you, I will keep your dad and you in my thoughts and prayers.
I'm so sorry about your dad! Congrats on being the FB! I've been waiting a LOOOONG time! haha!
I love your blog and so glad it your special day! :)
Congrats on your special day. We actually have tons in common.
Stopping by from SITS-- congrats on your day.
I'm sending hugs, prayers and positive thoughts for you & yours.
What a beautiful blog! Happy SITS Day!!!
Congrats on being the SITS blogger!! You have a lovely blog with such a gorgeous button. I love the shadowed girl sitting on the moon reading:) so pretty!
I will be sending you and your family positive and healing thoughts and wishes today. Good Luck at the hospital.
Visiting from sits. Praying for you dad!
stopping by from sits, i'm sorry about your dad. you are in my thoughts.
Wishing the best for you and your family.
And Happy Featured Blogger Day!
HAPPY SITS DAY...enjoy the bloggy love.
I am sorry to hear about your daddy. I pray if it IS cancer, they WILL be able to do surgery. They can soooo do wonders these days.
My daughter is also an RN and has 4 kids. She just went back to work at our heart hospital about a year ago. She is working only 2 days a week right now...and just LOVES it. Gives her a little extra money, gets her out of the house and her shift allows her to pick up her kids at school. It is working great for her...hope you can work out a good time to go back.
Come over and see me sometime...
xo bj
Congrats on your SITS day! I am now following! Heidi
Happy SITS day! I hope everything goes well with your father...prayers for your family on this stressful day.
Congrats on your SITS day! I'm a huge Twilight fan myself!
I hope everything will be okay with your dad.
My goodness, I am terribly sorry about your dad. I'll keep him in my prayers today.
Also, I obsessively love your girl on moon with book.
Hope everything goes well with your dad; so sorry to hear that.
Congrats on your SITS day! I love dark and cloudy days too, especially when they come on a Sunday afternoon because then I can curl up with a blanket, a candle, and a good book or movie.:)
Happy SITS Day! Hope its a great day! I will be praying for your family and especially your dad!
Congrats on being the featured Blogger today. Cute Blog. I'm praying for you Dad.
Stopping over from SITS, congratulations on being the FB! Your blog feels so warm and cozy. It makes me want to share a cup of tea at your kitchen table.
All the best to you and your dad during this time.
Happy SITS Day! I hope your dad is ok.
Congrats on your SITS day!!!
Many prayers for your dad and the rest of your family!!
Congrats on being featured today SITSta! I am saying a prayer for for your family today <><
My thoughts go out to you and your family as you work through the matter with your father. I truly hope it turns out better than you think.
Happy SITS day.
Happy SITS Day! My prayers are with you and your family.
congrats (from SITS)
love your blog....love the color and design keep up the great job
I was reading your favorite things,and see that you love dark and cloudy days - they are beautiful! I thought I was the only one! Congratulations and best wishes for your father's health.
Happy sits day!!
Prayers and thoughts are with your family. Hugs from Buffalo!
=D melanie
Stopping by from SITS... Thoughts and prayers with your family and dad today!
Congrats on being the featured SITS blogger!
That's terrible news about your dad. I will definitely add him and your family into my prayers.
Happy Happy SITSday!! I had three boys and one girl, and got to raise my step-son too making it four and one. Sure makes life fun:)
Hey there, congrats on being featured on SITS! Just wanted to stop by and check out the blog...=)
congrats on being the FB!
Praying for your father and your family.
Congrats on Featured Blogger! Sorry you cant enjoy this like you should b/c of your father. I hope he gets better and you all find peace.
Prayers going up here in San Diego!
Kari, I came here from SITS and I loved reading your blog! Congrats on being the Featured Blogger; it is a well deserved honor! I am so sorry to hear about your Dad...hang in there. Come visit when you get a minute, it's been a pleasure "meeting" you!
Congrats on being FB. Love the background color of your blog!
Happy SITS Day!
I am praying for you, your father, & the rest of your family.
Wishing I was drinking some Earl Grey while I read a twilight book right now!
Congrats on your SITS day!
Congrats and happy SITS day!
I love your blog! I look forward to getting to know you better and I hope everything works out with your father!
Wow, so sorry to hear about your dad. He is in my thoughts today.
I’m sorry to hear about your father. I hope all goes well today for you and your family.
Congrats of being today’s SITS Featured blogger. I hope one day I will get to be one too. I too like guacamole, Twilight, late nights, Dark chocolate, and babies laughter. We are soul sisters! :)
My prayers are with you and your father. Dealing with a parent's illness is so very difficult: I did a whole post about my father's stroke in March so I know how hard a time this must be for you. I pray your father makes a full recovery - miracles do happen!
What a lovely blog! Over from SITS congratulations on being FB! x
Congrats on being featured!!! Happy, happy, SITS day to you!!! Thinking good thoughts & wishing all my best for your father!!!
Happy SITS Day! My prayers are with your dad and family.
I have three boys as well (16, 13 and 12) I didn't get lucky like you and get the girl too =) Congrats on being the featured blogger.
Saying prayers for your dad and for you!!
Happy SITS day! Your blog layout is AWESOME!!!! I love the girl sitting up on the moon! I will say a prayer for your father. Try to keep your spirits up!!!! :o)
Girl In My Own World
Congrats on being a featured blogger over on SITS, I'm just sorry it came on such a bad day.
Congrats on being FB today! I am so sorry to hear about your father and I will definitely be saying a prayer for him and your family.
I hope your SITS day and many visitors bring a smile to your face!! Have a blessed day!
Happy SITS day!!
Congratulations on your SITs feature! I am sorry to hear that your day in the sun is clouded by your dad's condition. I hope the outcome is a positive one.
Congrats about your SITS Feature - glad they introduced us to you. But so so sorry about your dad. I am glad to have found your blog - anyone that loves HCjr is tops in my book.
Looking forward to getting to know you and hoping for better news with your father.
Oh my gosh. I am so sorry about your dad! I just prayed for him and for you too. So sad and I am sure scary!
Happy SITS Day! I am so sorry to hear about your dad. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
lucky you! enjoy your day!
Happy Sits day! Our prayers are with your family. Have a wonderful day.
Congrats on being the featured blogger. Enjoy your day...I know all will turn out well.
Congrats on your SITS day! I'm hoping it brings good luck your way today as you find out more about your dad's health concerns. Hugs!!
Cheers to you on your day, sitsta!
Happy SITS Day! Thoughts and only the best wishes coming your way for your family.
congrats of your featured day.
Thinking of you and your father, prayers lifted up.
Congratulations on being a featured blogger. I hope everything goes well for your father.
Stopping by from SITS
OMGosh -- we have so many likes in common -- from books and movies to cloudy days and dogs (Love your airdale -- I've always wanted an 'asta' dog! The Thin Man movies are the best!) Happy SITS day from a sistah.......
OMGosh -- we have so many likes in common -- from books and movies to cloudy days and dogs (Love your airdale -- I've always wanted an 'asta' dog! The Thin Man movies are the best!) Happy SITS day from a sistah.......
you have a nice blog!
I just went back to read some of your posts and saw your last 'note' about your father.. I am so sorry...as something who is living with a rare cancer, since 1985, I know all to well the stresses and hardships you are facing, and my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. It's great for your dad you are a nurse and experienced in hospital care......blessings, Amy Gray Light
Congrats on your SITS day!!
Sorry to hear about your Dad----hope he heals ok----hugs!
Happy SITS day!
Sorry to hear about your father, hope everything goes well with him today.
Happy sits day! I'll be thinking about your dad and your family in my prayers.
You're famous! I was just stopping by to say I've been thinking about you and your family today. My prayers are with you.
Congrats on being the FB. I can't wait for it to be my turn. I'm going to poke around a bit.
Wonderful blog! I'm a mother of three and also an RN.
Stopping by from SITS. prayers going out to your whole family and especially your father.
I loved stopping by your blog. Happy SITS day.
Congrats on being selected for SITS!
Congrats on your SITS day. Cute blog!!! I'll nose around a bit!
Happy SitS day!
I do dearly hope everything comes out fine with your dad, and will keep your family in my thoughts!
Sending up prayers for your dad, his medical team, your family...
Congrats on your special day, and I'll be thinking positive for your family.
Happy SITS Day!
My thoughts are with you & your father.
Happy SITS day!!!!
Oh I am praying for your father and your family.
Stopping by from SITS
Happy SITS Day!
I hope everything goes well with your father! Good luck!
Stopping by from SITS to say hello. My thoughts and prayers are with you today.I hope everything turns out okay for your dad. During times like this, it's important to be with family...
Yup...I'm a SITS girl too...congratulations! Love the movie commentary idea. Genious! I'll be praying for your family. So sorry.
Happy SITS Day!
Check out the latest giveaway at The Apron Goddesses.
Happy, Happy SITS Day Kari! So glad to sit back and get to you a little better. I will be saying big prayers for your father.
Oh, the best to your family! How difficult.
I am sorry that you aren't able to fully enjoy your day as the FB, but it looks like you'll have lots to keep you busy when you're back online! Best wishes!
Congratulations on your special day!
So sorry to hear about your dad.
I prayed for him.
And your family.
Sweet dreams.
Congrats on being the featured blogger. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers and take the time you are taking off to read up on your blog!
Happy SITS day!
Oh my goodness, what a terrible reason for not being around to bask in the joy of being picked as SITS star of the day. I hope you guys get a miracle and your father is treatable.
Please don't take the time to respond to this. I DO look forward to browsing around your blog, but save that minute of responding for family or for yourself.
My thoughts are with you and your family...
Congrats on being today.
I'll say a prayer for your father and family. Hoping everything will be ok.
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