Friday, September 30, 2011

Aloha Friday - Musical Instruments

Welcome to this week’s edition of Aloha Friday, hosted by Kailani over at An Island Life. In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day to take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So, on Fridays we can take it easy on blog posting, too.

I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer - nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, visit An Island Life where you can link up with your own question and also visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

Do you play any musical instruments? If not, which instrument would you most like to play?

As a child, I took piano lessons for about three years and clarinet lessons for one year. To this day, quitting piano is one of my biggest regrets.



1. That's Life said...

I play the piano. Well I used too. Haven't had the chance to in a while.

2. Catherine L. said...

No - I always wanted to play the guitar.

3. ~ Noelle said...

not a note of anything...
although, i think i did pretty good in school on that little plastic white flute type thing...
not sure what it was called? a recorder or something? hey, it was elementary school..
lol... i would LOVE to know how to play the piano

4. Anonymous said...

Years ago I play some piano and some guitar but I haven't played anything for years.

5. I am Harriet said...

I play the piano.

Have a great day!

6. MMAR said...

No but I would LOVE to play the piano : )

7. Colette S said...

I don't, but I can pretend to.

Otherwise, I'd LOVE to play the piano and the guitar.

aloha :)

8. Menopausal New Mom said...

I don't play anything, but we do have a nice baby grand piano in our front room. I gained this when I married my hubby. I would have loved to learn as a kid but grew up in a house where the money went towards a roof and food. Nothing left over for music lessons or a piano.

9. Smellyann said...

I used to play the organ, but I mostly just sing. I'm not good at sight reading music.

10. Kailani said...

I've always wanted to play the piano.

An Island Life

11. Tammy said...

Girl we have so many similarities!! :)

I played piano for 6 years and that was all. I wish I had applied myself was more fun than learning I think. My kids just got a key board last weekend from a friend and I can't even remember how to play...Yikes!

12. septembermom said...

I would love to play the violin and the electric guitar. Maybe someday...or am I too old??? LOL