It's Friday. You know what that means. Time for Aloha Friday.
Today's question is:
If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be? It can be anyone, real or fictional.
I could think of a lot of people to be for a day. But, if I had to choose one, it would, without a doubt, have to be the fictional character of Bella, from the Twilight books. I could handle having a hot vampire boyfriend for a day;o)
This will be a fun one. I can't wait to read your answers. To find more Aloha Friday questions, or to participate yourself, go here.
I'd like to be George Bush or Barak Obama, so I could understand why on earth anyone would want to be president.
I would be a NFL quarterback. I really want to know how it feels to 1. having to do something precise while someone is trying to pummel you and 2. What it really feels like to get hit like that. And because it's for one day I don't have to be sore afterwards! I know it's kinda a boy answer. Just saying!
I would be someone who lives in grand cayman right now dont care who just to be there cause its cold outside
My ex-husband so I could rewrite the huge check he bounced on me. I'd write it for the full amount promised and even add a 10% bonus for frustration. That way there would be no hassles and lawyers involved anymore!
I might like to switch lives with my little sister for a day... She's out in LA pursuing her acting career, about 100 pounds lighter than me, gorgeous, and has no kids. I'd try my hand at that for a day or so!!
Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!!! Oooh wouldn't you love to swim in chocolate?
I probably would be one of my pugs, they sleep all day LOL
Thanks for delurking over at my blog, I'm adding you to my google reader :)
That's a hard question actually. I'd probably choose somebody famous just to see what kind of madness they go through with paparazzi, etc. I'd choose Jennifer Aniston, I think.
I would love to be a person who works at Disney World to watch all of the happy people going into the park.
Oh I have the same answer as you!
Someone with unlimited money, just for one day, I would buy everything we need and want. Then just go back to being me. Since, we all know money doesn't bring happiness...but it may for one day
I would love to be Oprah for one day!
WWWWOOOOWWWWW so much easier to find a list of who I'd rather NOT be.. hehehehe but if i had to pick just one? either one of my daughters... it'd be nice to not have to worry... to be fed, bathed, played with etc.. oh yeah, and sleep.. lol.. I'll just have to remember not to do number 2..
Hmm.. thats a good question. I have no idea. I just want to be ME less 70 lbs LOL
Hmmmm....good question. I would like to be Bill Gates for a day so I could buy some new furniture for my house...(and maybe a car too...or heck, maybe I'd just a new house!).
I'd be that model Gisele because I'd love to just make out with Tom Brady for a few hours. ;-)
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