It's time again for Aloha Friday. Today is January 30. Apparently, it is also "Yodel for Your Neighbors Day" and "Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day". I have no idea what that means exactly, or what the celebrations might entail for these particular holidays. I think I will have to pass on any yodeling festivities. My neighbors would probably be a little freaked out if I showed up at their door and began to yodel. But, I do love me some bubble wrap. If I had any right now, I would jump up and down on it in honor of the day. So, here's my question:
If you could make up your own national "wacky" holiday, what would it be?
For more Aloha Friday, click here.** Ok, I've since done a little more digging and have discovered that today may NOT actually be Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day. So sorry to possibly mislead you about this important holiday. I have found conflicting information on the web (can you believe it?), so, it may be today. Or, it may have been January 26. Either way, if you are so inclined, show some bubble wrap love, won't ya **
Your question is making me really thing! (Thanks alog!). Let's see. This isn't wacky, but I think there should be a National Law Enforcement day. Those in law enforcement don't get the recognition that is so deserved.
Please check out my Aloha Friday question at:
Umm Lori Day!! Where I would be queen!! and my hubbs would have ot be at my beckon call
Today would be a good "National Stay-In-Your-Jammies-All-Day"!!
I want a national miss-matched sock day and it has to be in the summer so we can see them.
How about a national cleaning day where someone else cleans my house?
some really great ideas for holidays... but I do have to say the "stay at home in your Jammie day" has my vote!
What a ridiculously fun question! I think it would be fun to have National Silly Dance day. Then every time you greeted someone you would have do some kind of silly dance right there instead of saying hello. How much fun would that be? I'm choreographing right now!
I have not heard of either of those days.
I would say we need a "Winter Break" national day. I am so sick of the cold and snow.
National Fake Mustache Day! :}
~have a nice weekend too.
Ha! It would be "National Chocolate & Peanut Butter Day" (ahem, without 'contaminated PB of course). I mean, who wouldn't love that combination :-)
National do absolutely nothing but eat cake and stay in your jammies day.
Jenni Jiggety Day, of course!
We have a new national holiday in a couple of weeks. It is called Family Day. You should tell your elected officials about it and get the ball rolling.
A wacky one, how about let's cook for each other day.
I think there should be a Bring Your Parents to School day....instead of kids to work...
Hhhmm, good question. How about ..
Stay at home and take a nap day.
Stay in your jammies day
National apple pie day
National pet your dog day
Stay at home and take a nap after you eat apple pie and pet the dog day...thats my fav.
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