Friday, May 15, 2009

Aloha Friday - Early Bird or Night Owl

Yesterday, my husband and I did something that we rarely do together....after getting the kids off to school, we went back to bed and slept in until 10:45. Now, I'm all about sleeping in (although I never seem to get much opportunity to do it). I am, and always have been, a big night-owl. I detest the moment every morning when I hear the alarm clock go off. But, my husband is a morning person through and through. So, my Aloha Friday question is:

Are you a morning person? (like to get up with the sun and roosters and generally wake up happy and chipper) or

Are you a night owl? (much happier to stay up till the wee hours of the night, then sleep in)

For more Aloha Friday, visit Kailani at An Island Life.


1. Design It Chic said...

DO you mind having a 3rd option of being a lazy ass??? ;) or does 7:30 bummed-out-crazy-lady counts as morning person???:)))
I just found your blog via SITS!

Happy Friday!

2. I am Harriet said...

Total morning person.

3. Jen said...

I am a total night owl. I despise mornings and wish they didn't exist (or at least wish they happened later).

4. *Just Jen* said...

I am a night owl! I HATE mornings! My son is not a morning person either which makes for getting ready each morning VERY difficult! lol

5. Jennifer said...

A night owl who has to be a morning person as well.

6. Daniela said...

Im asleep by 10pm most nights, so I guess that makes me a morning person, although I swear at my alarm every stinkin' morning.

If I sleep until 7:30, I feel like i've slept in.

7. Brandi said...

Morning! I love getting up and getting stuff done!

8. Nabeel said...

Good question, I always use to ask myself this question because I love both things very much. I love to wake up in morning, go out, see the first rays of sun. On the other hand I equally love to stay late at night, watch movies, eat popcorn, have fun time gathering with family.
I can't name any one.

9. sues2u2 said...

Night owl all the way, baby! Mornings are something out of a bad dream. lol

10. Sarah said...

I am def not morning person. That is my crabby time of day, lol!

11. Heather said...

NOT a morning person. I would love if I could sleep in until 11 AM every morning. I am not fun to be around in the morning, let me tell you.

12. Anonymous said...

I like to stay up late but I am up early to. So I guess both.

13. Dawna said...

I'm a true Night Owl. I love working on projects or whetever, after everyone else is asleep. However, with kids, I HAVE to be a morning person. So, I get up real early, stay up too late, and make up the difference with cat naps.

14. Kim said...

I'm a morning person. Up at 5:15 but kinda in the middle too because I'm still up at 11 a lot too.

P.S. I love Design it chic's answer, LOL.

15. Amy said...

I am more of a night owl. Although I have a pretty set sleep schedule. Up at 8:00am, asleep by 11:00pm. Yes, I get 9 hours every night. For some reason I seem to need it.

16. Sweet Serendiptiy said...

Knight owl for sure. I hate getting up.

17. Stacy said...

I am not a morning person at all! I do stay up late, but I have to get up at 5:30 to get my oldest ready for 5th grade. It stinks!

18. {K} said...

I'm actually a bit of both - a little bit of a morning person but mostly a nightowl.

19. Becca said...

I'm a total night owl but I am also fine in the morning...I just don't prefer mornings.

20. AudreyO said...

I almost never see 10pm. I am not a night person at all. Very much a morning person up at 5am each day.

21. Anonymous said...

I like to be a "morning person" on the weekdays but a night owl on the weekends!

22. PMKU said...

Night owl all the way!

23. Erin @ Closing Time said...

I am a night owl, but I've had to adjust that since having kids!

24. Heather said...

I am a night owl as long as I'm doing something like surfing the net or reading a good book or quilting. As for sleeping in going along with such I'm a napper too.

25. Maryann said...

I'm so jealous....I haven't seen 10:45 in 20 years!