Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Movie Trailer Tuesday - Julie and Julia

I can't wait to see this one! It's supposed to be out in August. Starring two of my favorite actors, Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci, it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.


1. Heather said...

This sounds like a great movie. I can't wait for it.

2. Jenni said...

It does look like a GREAT one!

3. Jenners said...

I'm kind of excited about this one! Hey -- this would be great for the Take a Chance Challenge ... I know it is based on a book. It might be fun to read the book and then see the movie in the same week. I'm thinking I might do this ... maybe you can too! : )

4. septembermom said...

Hi, I jumped over from Jenners' blog to visit you! I'm excited about this movie too. I think Meryl Streep is going to be wonderful in her portrayal of Julia Child. Love this movie's concept. Thanks for sharing.

5. Daniela said...

This looks great. I love Nora Ephron films..yeaaaa