Today is "Love Your Pet Day" - a day for all pet-lovers to celebrate and share some love with their little furry friends (or fur less, if they happen to have one of those weird hairless animals). Anyway, in honor of this day, make sure and pamper your pet with a special treat or just spend some extra time together. And, if you are not a pet owner, but, thinking of becoming one, check out http://www.petfinder.com/. This is a wonderful site that lets you search your area for adoptable pets that would love to find new homes.
If you are a dog-lover, like me, check out this site for the most adorable puppy pics ever! They are so sweet, you will surely have a big smile on your face after browsing through these pictures.
Our dog is a 4-yr. old airedale terrier, named Emma. She is such a wonderful pet. She lives inside with us and is quite spoiled. While she loves to play and is great with our kids, she can also be a big lazy-bones. When she needs to go out to potty, she rings a little bell that we have hanging on our back door. And, for goodness sakes, if it is cold or rainy outside, she may just refuse to even go, she really can't stand to get her feet wet, you know. She gives me a huge sense of security because she will alert us anytime someone pulls in the driveway or comes to the door - I think she would surely scare off anyone who was here for no good. She loves to go with me in the morning to wake up my kids for school and she gets very excited when she hears the school bus in the afternoon. We are so lucky to have her!
For my Aloha Friday question:
Are you a pet-owner?
If so, what kind of animal do you have? What is his/her name?
For more Aloha Friday, click here.
OK, first...your dog is way too cute. Like, stuffed animal cute.
Second, I wish I had a pet. My hubs promised as soon as we're able to move into a house and out of a condo, he'll buy me a chocolate lab. YAY! I will get a girl and name her bella godiva. ;)
Aawwhh, your furbaby is so cute! We are previous dog owners. We had poodles for many years and they have passed on to Rainbow Bridge.
Cute furbaby!
I have two furbabies. Beagle/Springer spaniel named, Daisy Mae and an all white cat named, Miss Lily. =)
Happy Aloha Friday!
your dog is so cute! I have a 7 mo. old multigen labradoodle named Lily.
Oh I wish we could have a dog.. :( but my son is so allergic to them I just can't make him suffer.. but I love dogs!!!
Yes we have two dogs. One is Mercedies (a yellow lab)and the other is Lexis (a red golden retriever).
They are spoiled babies also....
Our house is on the small side and my kids really young, so no pets here. The boys see the cockatoo at my parent's house all the time. I grew up with bird since allergies were a major factor.
We have two cats named Kaimana and Malia. They're brother and sister that we adopted from the Humane Society.
No pets...although DH keeps wanting a dog!
Do I really need to answer this? haha
I have a yellow lab named Ruby
2 dachshunds named Logan and Lucy
a 100 year old poodle..Lexi
7 cats..2 do not belong to me.
and 2 un-named cats that really belong to the neighbors, but believe they live in my house.
2 pets here
corky a mini doberman pincher and babe a chocolate lab
I'm new here! What a great blog :)
I have 2 dogs! A black lab mix named Leia, and an apricot mini poodle named Maggie!
besides the punky monkey's?? LOL
My two older boys each have a beta fish, good enough for me, I don't need anything else to clean up after at the moment
Emma looks adorable. She must be a very affectionate dog.
We have a black Lab named Bruno, 3 love birds (1 recently passed away), a Flower Horn fish and guppies.
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